
发布 2024-02-01 19:08:33 阅读 3603




听力部分。一 、听录音,选择与录音内容相符的图。 (10分)



ab 二、听音, 标序号。(10分)




) 1.a、ii b、ll c、yy

) 2.a、hh b、ff c、gg

) 3.a、pear b、peach c、please

) 4.a、man b、mother c、mom

) 5. a、tall b、small c、all

) 6. a、pp b、vvc、tt

) 7. a、father b、mother c、brother

) 8. a、two b、twelve c、twenty

) 9. a、i’m fine . b、i’m nine . c、i’m mike .

)10. a、i h**e twelve . b、i can see twelve . c、i’m twelve .听录音,根。


1. oy (b d) 2. ain (w r) 3. indow (w v) 4. mbrella ( x u)

5. atermelon ( y w) 6. ion ( m l) 7. leven (a e)

8. iolin ( u v) 9. iger (d t ) 10. est (v n)


)1. a. i am 10b. i am finec. i am john.

)2. a. fine, thanks. b. okc. i am five.

)3. a. i am chinese. b. i am from china. c. i am a boy.

)4. a. nice to meet you,too! b. hello! c. certainly.

)5. a. i can see nine. b. i h**e one. c. i h**e one cat.


a. strawberry b. student c. taxi d. walkman e. lamp

f. ant g. chair h. giraffe i. nineteen

九、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。 (10分)

) can i use your pen? a、yes, i do .

) do you like bananas? b、she’s my mother .

) who’s that woman? c、i can see 11.

) how many cats can you see? d、it’s under the chair.

) where is the ball? e、sure.




听力材料。一 、听录音,选择与录音内容相符的图。 (10分)

that woman ? b:she’s my grandmother .

where is the duck ? b: it’s in the box .

3. show me a b c d e .

4. i h**e a short tail .

5. show me big letters hgk .


1. this is for you .happy children’s day ! thanks .

2. look ! i h**e a new kite . oh! it’s beautiful .

3. class , we h**e a new friend today .

4. let’s watch tv . great !

5. mom , where is my car ? look ! it’s under the chair .


1. the car is on the box .

2. let’s go to school .

3. a: where is the fox ? b: it’s in the box .

4. i’m from china .

5. big, big , big ,make your eyes big .


we h**e many toys here. sarah has 2 taxies. john has 13 planes.

mike has 12 jeeps. amy has 7 buses. i h**e 16 balls.


1. ll2. gg 3. peach 4.man 5. small 6. tt

7. brother 8. two 9. i’m mike . 10. i’m twelve .


1. b oy 2. r ain 3. w indow 4. u mbrella 5. w atermelon

6. l ion 7. e leven 8. v iolin 9. t iger 10. n est


old are you ?

h**e some peaches and apples .

3. where are you from ?

4. cani h**e some oranges ,please ?

5. how many kites can you see ?


2018 2019第二学期。三年级英语期末检测卷。书写等级质量评价。听力部分 60分 一 听录音并判断 和你听到的单词是 否 相符。10分 二 听短语,标序号。10分 三 听录音,选 10分 a ba b a ba b a b四 听录音,在你听到的单词前面打 10分 五 听录音,选答语。10分 1....


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