新人教版三年级英语下册全英文教案 全册

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unit 1 welcome back to school

unit 1 lesson 1

part a let’s talk ; let’s practise

teaching aims :

1. be able to understand and say: we h**e a new friend today. i’m from…. welcome!

2. be able to introduce yourself to others.

3. improve ss’ intercourse abilities.

focus points & difficult points :

be able to use the new structures as following in different ways : we h**e a new friend./pencil…

teaching preparation:

1. the international flag of america\ canada\china.

2. headgear of amy.

designing for the blackboard:

i h**e a new booki'm from…

we h**e a new friend.

teaching steps:

step1. warm –up

1. sing a song 《good morning》.

2. greetings.

3. free talk

t: good morning, boys and girls. welcome back to school.

nice to meet you again!

ss: nice to meet you, too.

t: hi, girl. my name’s wendy. may i h**e your name?

s1: sure. my name’s ……

t: hi, s1. welcome back to school!

and practise.

1. continue the free talk to lead in:

t: look! i h**e a new book! do you h**e a new one?

s: yes.

t leads to say: i h**e a new book.

t: this is a new book. that is an old book.

t holds the book: i h**e a new book. (t writes down it on the blackboard.)

ss read after t.

t: i h**e a new book. what do you h**e?

s: i h**e a new book./ pencil./ pen…..

t: how nice! great!

practise in pairs: s1: i h**e a new book. s2: great!/ me too……

t: boys and girls. look! we h**e a new friend today!

let’s welcome!

s1: hi! i’m amy.

t: amy! welcome again!

ss: welcome.

t: we h**e a new friend today!(t writes down it on the blackboard.)

t: “we” means you, you, he, she and i, everyone! you know, what’s the meaning of “we”?

s: 我们。

t: we h**e a friend. s:…

t: we h**e a new friend. s:…

t: we h**e a friend. we h**e a friend. we h**e a new friend.

sing it with (两只老虎)

we h**e a new friend. we h**e a new friend. amy is, amy is.

we h**e a new friend. we h**e a new friend. amy is, amy is.

2. i’m from…

t: amy! where are you from? i’m from…

s: i’m from america.

t: oh, you’re from america.

t shows the international flag of america: i’m from america.

s:….t hands it to a student: where are you from?

s: i’m from america/the usa.

t shows the international flag of china: i’m from ….

s: china.

t: i’m from china.

t teaches canada/england as above.

game: i’m from…(flap the flies)

s1: i’m from canada.

s2 & s3 touch the flag and the word of canada : i’m from canada.

step.3 consolidation & extension.

1. t: if in the real situation, you can say i’m from hangzhou. i’m from huzhou……

t: where are you from?

s: i’m from hangzhou.

2. text

1) watch the vcd.

2) read after the tape.

3) act it in front of the class.

step4. assessment.

1).t explains the meaning of the task.

2) ss do it after the class.

think it over: 小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单*唱 ,玩 ,单*唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。

unit 1 lesson 2

part a let’s learn; let’s play; part c let’s sing

teaching aims :

1. be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: boy, girl.

2. be able to understand and say: “watch out!”

3. be able to sing the song “boy and girl”.

focus points & difficult points :

the main words: boy, girl.

teaching preparation:

the international flag of america\ canada\china. some toy animals.

designing for the blackboard:

a boya girl

teaching steps:

step1. warm –up

1. greetings.

2. free talk

t: hello! may i h**e your name?

s1: my name’s …

t: where are you from?

s1: i’m from hangzhou.

t: oh, me too. nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you, too.

t: boys and girl, we h**e a new friend today, s1

ss: welcome!

make a similar dialogue with your partner.

t hands out the international flag: where are you froom?

group 1: i’m from america.

g2: i’m from england.

g3: i’m from canada.

g4: i’m from china.

1. t shows the picture of mike: do you know where is mike from?

s: he’s from canada.

t: great! he’s from canada. s: he’s from canada.

t: and he’s a boy. (t puts boy on the blackboard.)

t teaches the pronunciation of boy.

run two trains : he’s a boy. (point a boy)

t: look! is she a boy?

ss: no.

t: yeah. she is a girl. (t shows the picture of girl)

t teaches the pronunciation of girl.

run two trains : she’s a girl. (point a girl)

read the words together: a boy, a girl

step 3. practise.

1. game: distinguish the sound. (let’s practise.)

s1 : hello!

ss: a boy or a girl?

s2 who covered eyes: a boy?

ss: yes./ no.

2. game: introduce the animals

t: this is mr. pig. he’s a boy.

s: this is miss. cat. she’s a girl.

3. t plays the puppet.

cat: hello! mr. pig. how are you?

pig: very well, thanks. a lovely day! let’s play.

cat: great.

pig falls down: oh.

cat: watch out!!

t: what’s the meaning of “watch out”?

s: 当心,留神!

make a dialogue with “watch out”!

4. let’s sing.

step4. assessment.

1).t explains the meaning of the task.

t: where is the word “boy” and where is the word “ girl”?

s: here it is!

t: look at the animals. what are they?

s: a dog, a cat……

t: who are boys and who are girls? listen it after the class, and match it.

2) ss do it after the class.

3) ss buy 2 english exercise books.

think it over:在小学的低年级的英语教学中,不要求学生掌握词汇,而只要求学生能根据提示或**说出该单词,其本质无非是要学生们死记硬背,鹦鹉学舌。由于小学生们没有相应的读音规则训练,不熟悉词汇的拼写规则,单词的音、形、意三者不能有效的结合在一起,因而导致了单词记忆的困难,并成了小学生学英语的瓶颈。

unit 1 lesson 3

part a let’s say, let’s chant part c culture

teaching aims :

1. be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, coke, coffee.

2. be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: a a; b b; c c

3. through the chant review the letters of abc, train a sense of group identity.

focus points & difficult points :

read the letters: big letter c, small letter c; write down them correctly and handsomely.

teaching preparation:

1. letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake coke coffee bag ball

2. a little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.

designing for the blackboard:

panda be**er eagle kangaroo (pictures)

china canada america australia (words)

teaching steps:

step1. warm –up

1. sing a song.

2. free talk

t: hello. i’m wendy. i’m from hangzhou.

s1: hello! i’m ..i’m from hangzhou,too.

t: nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you, too.

t: let’s play. ok?

s: great!

t: watch out! (t throws the ball.)

s: oh, no.

make a similar dialogue with your partner.

1. 1)t : today, we will learn letters.

do you know letters? just as a,b,c…… they are letters. what’s the meaning of letters?

s: 字母。

t: great! a is the first letter. (t shows letter a.)

t: a a↗↘ s: a a↗↘

t: this is big letter a. 大写字母a。

t: big letter as: big letter a.

t: let’s make a big letter a. (with the hands)

run two trains: big letter a. (with the hands)

t: this is small letter a.

t: small letter a s: small letter a.

t: look at this girl’s head. it’s a small letter a.

小a, 小a, 小翘辫。

run two trains: big letter a, small letter a.

2). t draws an apple: what’s this?

s: it’s an apple.

t draws an ant beside the apple: what’s this?

s: it’s an ant.

t: a for ant

a for apple


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