
发布 2024-05-02 07:50:13 阅读 9896



)1. a. herb. hurt c. birdd. doctor

)2. a. coldb. four c. morningd. tall

)3. a. mouth b. now c. windowd. flower

)4. a. studied b. planted c. dayd. played

)5. a. meatb. he**y c. bedd. weather


)1、a. zoob. panda c. tigerd. rabbit

)2、a. watched b. rodec. drank d. cook

)3、a. winter b. summer c. falld. season

)4、a. monday b. february c. march d. may

)5、a. hotb. warmc. coold. tidy


)1. what miss li do last night? she some dishes.

a. did, do b. did, did c. did, do

)2. the weather is very cold. we can’t

a. go swimming b. make a snowman c. go ice-skating

)3. teacher’s day is on

10th b. october 9th c. october 1st

)4. i’m sad because i

a. won the game b. lost my cat c. got a gift

)5. today is saturday. the day before yesterday was

a. thursdayb. monday c. wednesday


1. jenny has ashe should see the dentist.

2. yesterday tonyto the park andfootball with friends.

3. i was sad because iup late andthe bus.

4junk food is bad for your health.

5. it’sin fall. let’s fly kites.

8th month of a year is

7. my mother likestv.


)1. what happeneda. it’s in front of the bank.

)2. what did you drink this morning? b. because i saw a snake.

)3. why are you scaredc. yes, i did.

)4. did you make a model last night? d. i drank a bottle of water.

)5. where is the bus stope. i got a nice kitten.


a. i visited some nice places and took some photos.

b. where were you last month? c. what was the weather like there?

d. see you! e. did you buy some clothes?

a: hello, benb: i was in shanghai.

a: what did you do there? b

ab: it was sunny and hot.

ab: yes, i did.

a: goodbyeb


yesterday was mother’s day. our family was very busy. at 6:

30 in the morning, my father got up and cooked breakfast for my mother. after that, he washed the dishes. i swept the floor and tony watered the plants.

at noon, we ate lunch in a restaurant. in the afternoon, tony and i went to the shopping mall . we bought a beautiful dress for our mother.

she was happy and said:“thank you! i love you!


) 1. today is march 8th.

) 2. my mother cooked breakfast in the morning.

) 3. tony watered the plants.

) 4. my father and i bought a dress for my mother.

) 5. my mother was happy yesterday.



广东开新版小学三年级第二学期英语期末试卷。一 用下面括号里的词填空,使句子通顺。5 whatisn taredowhere 1.is this it s a these grapes yes,they3.you h e bowls yes,i that a blanket no,it5.are my...


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