
发布 2024-05-05 20:55:10 阅读 7649

lesson 7 are you ready for a quiz ?



1、 能够听、说、读、写形容词: clean, dirty


关于房间和家具的名词:bathroom, bathtub, dishes, kitchen, living room, refrigerator, shower, sink, stove, toilet

人称代词: mine, yours

动词:cook, dry, make, wash

2、 重点句型:能够运用特殊疑问句what time is it ? 及答语:it’s… 来表达时间

3、 能够运用下列短语及句子

let me help you.

this is the living room.

these are bedrooms.

what would you like for breakfast/ lunch/supper?

i would like…

4. 能够运用现在进行时。


难点 如何让学生在课堂上学会,能听说认读本单元课文内容,并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。


washing the dishes, washing the clothes, watch tv, clean the house, read a book, draw a picture, jump, play on the computer, wash our hands, comb our hair, brush our teeth.


2. 教师慢慢抽出一张卡片,露出卡片的第一个字母,请学生猜,如果教师要复习living room,就慢慢抽出这张卡片,露出字母l,告诉学生:what is it ?

请学生回答,如果学生能够猜出living room,就说明学生猜正确了,就可以进行下一个单词了,如果学生未猜对,教师就露出第二个字母,向学生展示两个字母,再请学生猜,直到学生猜对为止。注意:教师在请学生猜的过程中教师可以给一定的提示语。

活动一]1. 请学生合上书听课文。老师**录音,在学生听的过程中,教室就学生在理解上还存在的问题和困难进行讲解。

2. 教师再次**录音,请学生翻开书思考以下问题:

a. is this a refrigerator or a stove?

b. are these dishes clean or dirty ?

c. is this a bathtub or a shower ?

d. what is mr. smith doing?

e. where is the toilet?

活动二]阅读故事:“baby becky helps her mother”, 在阅读时注意带以下问题去阅读。

a. did baby becky help her mother cook?

b. did her mother h**e fun ? why not ?

c. how does baby becky get dirty?

d. where does baby becky h**e fun ?

e. where does her mother take baby becky when she is dirty?

f. where does her mother go when she is tired?

g. do you like this story ? why or why not?


1. let’s h**e some fun. 我们一起做游戏吧。

知识点:fun 娱乐;快乐; 乐趣。

h**e some fun 做游戏。

2.open your eyes for the right answer. close your eyes for the wrong answer.答案正确,睁开你的眼睛。


知识点:open 打开 close 关闭它们是一对反义词。

3. is this a refrigerator or a stove? 这是一台冰箱还是一个炉子?

知识点:这是一个选择疑问句,句子中并列的成分用or 来连接。回答时要选择一个作答,而不能回答yes 或 no.

典题:is your pen red __blue?

a. and b. or c. with

答案:b-is this book jenny’s or danny’s?

a. yes, it’s jenny’s. b. no,it’s danny’s. c. it’s jenny’s.




ming __a shower yesterday.

in the bus station __loudly.

___to read the news*****.

green is __supper in the kitchen.

___to the airport.


)1. a. bed b. closet c. sink d. dresser

2. a. bathtub b. shower c. stove d. toilet

3. a. tv b. chair c. lamp d. dishes

) 4. a. breakfast b. lunch c. meal

5. a. make b. cook c. shower d. wash


1. fun , h**e, let’s , some

2. or, clean, these, dishes, are, dirty (

3 bathroom, in, toilet, the, is the (.

答案】. bathroom, bathtub, toilet, sink, towel

ii. 1. took 2. speaks3. wants 4. ****** 5. go

iii. iv. h**e some fun.

these dishes dirty or clean?

3. the toilet is in the bathroom.



初练身手】i. 中英文连一连。

1. let’s h**e some funa.午饭我想要一个三明治。

2. i would like a sandwich for lunch. b. 这是我的卧室。

3. it’s a showerc. 该吃早饭了。

4. the toilet is in the bathroomd. 咱们来做游戏吧。

5. here is my bedroome. 它是淋浴。

6. time for breakfastf. 马桶在浴室里。


a. wants b. wants to c. want d. want to

a. and b. to c. with d. or

a. to b. at c. for d. in

a. to b. at c. in d. for

a. about b. do c. else d. some

快乐晋级】、 看图判断,对的写t, 错的写f.

) 1. this is a kitchen.

) 2. we can see a tv in the picture.

)3. we can see a stove in the picture.

) 4. we can see two chairs in the picture.

) 5. we can see a bed in the picture.

iv. 读一读,给短文排序。

i ask her, “can i help you, mom?”


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