学年上学期期末考试四年级英语测试卷 牛津上海版

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dear children,学了一年多英语,你一定懂得了很多英语知识。现在让我们一起来检测一下自己的学习成果吧,聪明的你一定能行!



) 1. a. bookmark b. notebook c. copybook d. book

) 2. a. blue b. fanc. radiod. key

) 3. a. gloves b. coldc. socksd. shoes

) 4. a. heb. yourc. hisd. my

) 5. a. bed b. illc. tiredd. hot

二。 词组互译: 10’

1.画一个苹果2. a glass of water

3. 开门4. h**e some cakes

5. 她的钥匙6. whose socks

7、在四点三十 the puzzle

9、 一条短的围巾10. close the window


)1. may i h**e a toy car __d**id?

a, tob.

)2. -what __thisit is___umbrella.

a. is; anb. are; anc. is; a

)3. -do you like tigers?

---noa. i dob. i don’tc. i can

) 4. whose gloves

a. is itb. are theyc. they are

) 5. here’s a new coat for you

a. that’s okb. thank youc. that’s all right.

) 6. what time do you go home? -i go homefive.

a. atb. inc. on

) 7. what’s twenty-one and thirty-five? -it’s

a. forty-sixb. fifty-sixc. fivety-six

)8do you h**e breakfast? -at 7 o’clock.

a. what timeb. what’s the time c. what’s time

)9、i’mmay i h**e some tea?

a. thirstyb. hungryc. pretty

)10shirt is thismy shirt.

a. whose, it’sb. who, it’sc. who’s, is

四。 请将下列单词排列成句子,使句意完整:10’

1. now , don’t , why , to , bed , go , you

2. is, bottle, your, where, water (?

3. time, watch, do, what , you, tv (?

4. some, and, come, cakes, h**e

5. in, perhaps, umbrella, the, is , classroom, your (.

五.从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内: 10’

i ) ) 1. what’s the timea. why don’t you go to bed?

) 2. what’s the matterb. it’s a doll.

) 3. what’s fifty minus fortyc. it’s ten.

) 4. what’s this on the tabled. i’m ill.

) 5. i’m tirede. five fifteen.

ii ) ) 1. whose sweater is thisa. here’s a big one!

) 2. is this your purseb. thank you!

) 3. don’t eat in class, nancyc. all right.

) 4. here’s a card for youd. let me see. yes, it is.

) 5. my rubber is too smalle. maybe it’s tom’s.

六.看图完成对话,每空一词: 15’

1socks __they?

gao shan’s.

gao shan?

---he’s over there.

2.--what’s thedad?


___we go to bed now?

--no, it’swatch tv.

watch tv now. it’s late!

--oknight, dad.

3i h**e a

-- sure. here you __

-- it’s nice!

-- thank



b: thanks!

5. -excuse me, is this storybook?

-- no--i’m sorry, butmy storybook?

--look, it’s near(靠近。


this is mary’s room. it’s big and bright. we can see some kites on the front wall (前墙).

on the back wall(后墙), there’s a clock. look, it is four fifty now!


第五大题操作操作题。第2题过a点分别画已知直线的平行线和垂线学生掌握的也挺好,少数同学出错的原因是没有认真读题,垂线和平行线画反了或是因为没有标出垂直符号。第六大题解决问题,学生对题义的理解不太好,例如第2 小题 一个长方形草坪的面积是420平方米,长是30米,现在宽不变,将长增加到90米后,面积是...


一 将正确的答案填空相应的括号中 共32分 1 68095030讀作省略 萬 後面的尾數約是 萬。十億零三十萬寫作改寫成用 億 作單位的數是 億。2 連線。3 在 裏填上 或 4 用 這十個數字組成一個十位數,所有的0都要讀出來,這個數是。5 把下面這些角分别填入适當的圈裏。銳角直角鈍角。6 下圖中...


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