2019六上Unit2试卷 虎外

发布 2023-12-26 03:35:09 阅读 6870







一、listen and choose

一)你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。听前先迅速默读单词! (每小题0.5分,共5分)

) 1. a. there b. they2. a. start ( 3. a. music ( 4. a. please b. piece

) 5. a. store

) 7. a. meal b. near8. a. right b. night

) 9. a. north b. lot10. a. twelfth b. twelve

二)你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项。每小题读两遍。听前先对比单词,注意理解句子意思哦! (每小题0.5分,共5分)

) 1. a. there b. they c. the

) 2. a. playb. platec. plane

) 3. a. then b. than c. thank.

) 4. a. fatb. fastc. far

) 5. a. findb. fanc. fine

) 6. a. eastb. westc. eat

) 7. a. liveb. lifec. lives

) 8. a. meetb. middlec. meat

) 9. a. before b. behindc. between

) 10. a. plantb. planc. plane

二、listen and judge


1,how does amy’s mother go to work2, where is mike going?

3, what does the boy want to do4, what day is it today?

5, when does the girl get up6, how is the weather today?

7, what does sarah see8, what does his mom do on sunday?

9, where does the boy live now10, what should the girl do then?

三、listen and choose



) 1. a. yes,they areb. yes, there are

) 2. a. because i can swim. b. because i can make a snowman.

) 3. a. yes, she isb no, she doesn’t.

) 4. a. yes, it’s farb . no, it’s far.

) 5. a. sure, i’m johnb. sure, please hold on.

) 6. a. there are 3b. there are 13.

) 7. a. it’s near hereb. you can go by bus.

) 8. a. they are at homeb. they are teachers.

) 9. a. my home is on the fifth floor. b. my home is far from here.

) 10. on the deskb. it’s next to the hospital.

四、listen and fill



1. where is the

2. please come to mybirthday __at 6:00 pm on friday.

3. _left at the cinema, then go

4. _you all for __

5. i want to go to the

6. the library is in __of the

7. there is aof the school.

8. jacka bike to the __

五、listen and judge


1. (my home is near the park.

2. (i h**e to walk to the subway station.

3. (i go to the no. 12 bus stop by subway.

4. (i go to the post office by bus.

5. (i h**e to take a bus to the park from the post office.


六、read and choose


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