
发布 2024-01-05 17:30:07 阅读 1154



listening 听力。


part a helen和mike正在谈论小狗。听他们的对话三遍。选择最佳答案。

)1. who is tom? he’s

a. a puppyb. a boyc. a man

)2. what colour is the puppy? it’s

a. blackb. brown c. white

)3. the puppy is

a. big and tallb. very beautiful c. small and lovely

)4. whose(谁的) puppy is it? it’s

a. mike’sb. helen’s c. liu tao’s

)5. where is the puppy? it’s

a. in classb. in the library c. on the farm

part b helen和老师在对小狗说话。听他们的对话三遍。选择最佳答案。

)6. what time is it now?

abc. )7. it’s time for

a. classb. lunchc. bed

)8. what can the puppy do? 小狗会做哪些事呢?

he can

a. open the door

b. close the window

c. close and open the book

)9. what does helen say to the puppy? helen对小狗说了什么话?

a. don’t sleep!

b. don’t talk!

c. don’t run!

)10. how does the teacher feel? 老师感受如何?

abc. part c helen和mike正在送小狗生日礼物。听对话三遍。选择最佳答案。

) 11. how old is the puppy? it’s

a. 3b. 2c. 6

) 12. mike buys___for the puppy. mike为小狗买了___

a. 2 bananasb. 2 oranges c. 2 pears

) 13. helen buys___for the puppy. helen为小狗买了___

a. a ballb. a robotc. a hot dog

) 14. they sayto the puppy. 他们对小狗说___

a. happy birthday!

b. happy new year!

c. how are you?

) 15. how is the birthday cake? 生日蛋糕如何?

a. it’s pinkb. it’s bigc. it’s nice.

part d 小狗把自己的信息告诉新朋友bobby。听三遍。选择最佳答案。

)16. his telephone number is他的**号码是___abc.

)17. his room number is他的门牌号是___

a. 304 b. 603 c. 903

)18. his car number is他的车牌号是___

abc. ka192 kn291kb921

)19. where’s his lunch box?

abc. )20. he has a new

abc. )21.以下是小狗喜欢的东西,听小狗读,根据读音写字母,一空一个字母。

___one __anadish __eerouse

reading and writing读写。


a. tom来到扬州图书馆,请你和他一起帮图书馆标注英文标识。

1. don’t2. don’t

3. don’t4. don’t

5. you can use(可以使用6. close the


b. tom正在看两本书的封面。

uncle john’s farmrun with joe

written by john chanwritten by d**id white


) 7. joe is a

a. girlb. baby

c. womand. man

) 8. uncle john has a

a. schoolb. library

c. farmd. class

) 9. ‘uncle john’s farm’ is about(关于。

a. coloursb. running

c. a farmd. family

)10. ‘run with joe’ is about(关于。

a. coloursb. running

c. a farmd. family

)11is the writer(作者)of ‘run with joe’.

a. john chanb. d**id white

c. joed. uncle john

12. 以下是uncle john’s farm书中的部分**,请配上英文,一空一词。

c. tom读了一本活页图画书。

it is open day. families come to school. they are very happy.

yang ling: mike, who’s she?

mike: she’s my mother.

mike: who’s that man, yang ling?

yang ling: oh, he’s my uncle. he’s very tall. he has a farm.

yang ling: su yang, who’s that man over there?

su yang: he’s mike’s father. he’s a very good man. he has many books.

yang ling: is this mike’s father, su yang?

su yang: no, he isn’t. he’s mike’s uncle. his name is john.


广陵区二 一二年小学数学毕业试卷。班级姓名。卷首语 亲爱的同学,六年的小学生活即将结束。让我们一起回顾六年所学的数学知识,认真审题,积极动脑,相信你一定能交一份令人满意的答卷。一 精确计算 共27分 比一比,看谁算得认真,算得准确。5分 脱式计算,能简算的要简算。12分 解方程 6分 30x 15x...


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