
发布 2024-01-13 13:20:06 阅读 5289



第1课时 units 1~4



2011陕西) john wants to be a __so he often helps sick people in the hospital

a. reporter b. doctor c. scientist d. cook

2009陕西) i will call you as soon as i __the ticket to the football match.

a. will get b. get c. got d. am getting

2009陕西) good news! there fewer people catching this kind of illness now.

a. are b. is c. was d. were

2010陕西) everyone likes to ask him for help because he often __come) up with good ideas.

2009陕西) it is a good habit to brush your __tooth) after each meal.


1. 辨析 look, see, watch和read

1)look作为不及物动词,指看的动作,看见的结果不可知,多用来唤起别人的注意。跟在名词或代词时后时常用look at。另外,还可作系动词,后接形容词作表语,意为“ 看起来;显得”。

2)see作为及物动词,直接跟名词或代词作宾语,强调看的结果。意为“看到; 看见”。

3)watch作为及物动词,意为 “**;注视;观赏”,指非常仔细地、有目的地、全神贯注地看。

4)read 作为及物动词,意为 “读, 朗读”。另外,“看书; 看报;看杂志”中的“看”都用read。


look at 看;看待; look after 照顾;照料;保管;

look around 环顾一周;朝……周围看;

look forward to 盼望;期待;

look for 寻找; look out 当心;留神。

look out of 朝……外看 look like 看起来像。

look down upon 瞧不起;轻视。

look up 在(字典里)查找 look over (医生)诊断病情。

跟踪抢练】 i know you like tv. 我知道你喜欢看电视。

mary is news*****s now. 玛丽现在正在读报纸。

let’s the film tonight. 今天晚上咱们看电影吧!

you should after your dog well. 你应该照看好你的狗。

he is out of the window, but he can see nothing. 他正在向窗外看,但什么都没有看见。

2. 辨析borrow, lend和keep

1)borrow 意为“借入”,过去式和过去分词都是borrowed。常用短语:borrow sth. from sb.。



常用短语: lend sth. to sb.; lend sb. sth.。

跟踪抢练】 jenny said she wanted to ride a bike to visit the city wall, so i it to her. 詹妮说她想骑车子参观城墙,所以我把车子借给了她。

can i your english book? 我可以借用一下你的英语书吗?

father the radio to uncle li yesterday. 爸爸昨天把收音机借给了李叔叔。

you mustn’t it for too long time. 你不能借它太久。

if you don’t me any money, who can iit from? 如果你不借给我钱,我能向谁借呢?

3. 辨析also,too, either和as well

1)also较正式,一般用于肯定句,常放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前,一般放在句中。如:she also likes english.

2) too多用于口语,一般不用于否定句。通常放在句末,前面常用逗号隔开;也可以放在句中,这时前后都要用逗号隔开。如:she likes english, too.

3) either一般用在否定句中,意为“也不”。如: i don’t like playing tennis, either.

4)as well多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且常放在句末。如:i like playing balls as well.

跟踪抢练】 i want to go shopping. 我也想去购物。

i am a student我也是个学生。

he doesn’t like watching tv他也不喜欢看电视。

i will go there我也要去那儿。

4. 辨析 couple和 pair

1)couple主要指人或动物,pair多指由两部分组成的东西, 如:a pair of trousers

2) 夫妇多用couple(也可用pair);合作伙伴多用pair /a couple of 几个。

跟踪抢练】 the old has lived in xi’an for more than 30 years. 这对老夫妇在西安生活三十多年了。

she bought a new of shoes. 她买了一双新鞋。

5. 辨析 it和one

1)it指代同一物体,还可作形式主语。it的复数是they/ them.

2) one指代的事物同类不同一。one的复数是ones.

跟踪抢练】 there is only ticket to the horticultural exposition. would you like


you are the who got the prize, isn’t你就是获奖的那个人,不是吗?

1. 辨析dress, put on, wear , in和try on

1) dress “穿”指穿的动作,也指其状态。

2) put on “穿;戴” 强调其动作。

3) wear “穿;戴” 强调其状态。

4) in “穿;戴” 是介词。它构成的短语作定语或表语表其状态。其后还可接表颜色的词。

5) try on “试穿/ 戴” 。

跟踪抢练】 the babysitter is the little baby. 保姆正在给婴儿穿衣服。

it is cold todaymore clothes quickly! 今天很冷。衣服快穿多些!

the man is his sunglasses in the sun. 这个男子在阳光下戴着太阳镜。

she is light blue today. 她今天穿着浅蓝色的衣服。

dear, please this new shorts. 亲爱的,请试穿一下这条新短裤。


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