三年级朗文版2Bchapter3 4教案

发布 2024-01-23 13:20:03 阅读 6821

讲义。daily actions

daily actions






1.live up

3. wash his face

4. brush his teeth

5. walk to school

6. he cooks dinner at five fifteen

7. he goes to bed at eight o’clock at night







重点难点。1.--what time do you h**e a shower ?

-i h**e a shower at nine fifteen at night.

what time询问时间。


第一二人称用h**e ,第三人称用has

-at ten o’clock

-at two thirty

-at nine fifteen


ten to eight

a quarter to ten

in, on, at 表示时间的用法。

in the morning at seven fifteen on a cold night


) her teeth

) lunch

) the night.

)a.6:50b.7:10 .



a beautiful dress on the desk .

so much hair on the floor.

you __what time it is now?

h**e a shower __the evening.

always __good marks

time __you __up,gets

get up __six fifteen __the morning.,at in on

___to school everyday.

breakfast __eight o’clock.

at cat comes to my house___a cold night.

mother always tells a story to me __night.


sam: hello,peter.


sam: is this your box?

peter:yes,it is.

sam: what is in the box?

peter:it’s a toy plane

sam: a toy plane?what colour is it?

peter:it’s white and

sam: it’s a nice like white and blue,too.

peter:let’s go to play with it,ok?

sam: great!i like toy go.

) 1. the toy plane is___

) 2. the toy plane is in a___

) 3. the toy plane is___

and white and blue


amy: do you __a toy rabbit?

sue: yes, i do.

amy: what __is it?

sue: it’s white.

amy: do you __white

sue: yes, i do. my room is white too.

amy: i __like white. i like blue.

sue: what colour is your room? is it __

amy: yes, my room is blue. my bed is blue __

sue: let’s go and play in my room.

amy: ok,let’s go.

五.判断句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号内写“√ 否则写“x ”。

)1、 wash your face2、 raise your right leg .

)3、raise your hands4、 touch your toes.


)1. sarah: may i h**e a look?

mikea. greatb. thank you.

c. sured. super.

)2. john: i h**e a rabbit.

chen jie

a. sureb. ok.

c. greatd. yes.

)3. sarah:oh,it’s nice! i like it.

mikea. greatb. thank you.

c. sured. super.

)4. wu yi fanmike?

mike: fine, thank you.

a. what’s your nameb. how are you?


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