
发布 2024-01-24 01:00:10 阅读 7729

3am1u2 ex1


whats your namemy name is kitty

hi miss fanghow are you


1. bagmake ()2. jamhand ()3.

finefive4. closedog ()5. fathersad ()6.

open foldⅲ.用”a, an, the”填空。

1.i h**eapple. i’ts big and red.2.

look at __blackboard. it’s dirty.3.

get __card. fold __card.

4. this is __nice orangeorange is orange.5.

there is __cake on __table.6. open __door, please.



writedoor用”am, is are”填空。

she __thin.

2.--how __you?–i __fine, thank you.

3.--what __your name?–my namekitty.

4your mother tall?–yes, jam __not bad.


1. -hellomy name is danny. what’s your namekitty.

2. -look at the blackboard. it is dirtythe blackboard, please


) 1. what’s your name?a.

fine, thank you.()2. clean the table, yes, i’m a girl.

()3. you are a ok.

) 4. how are you?d. yes,a lion.()5. a lion?e. i’m eddie.

3am1u2 ex2ⅰ.正确抄写下面句子。

look at the treekitty

班级姓名。open the window please

write your name on the *****


1. look2. open3. close4. write5. pick6. fold



1. elephantdesk (4. likefive(

)2. applename (5. kittycake ()3. baggirl(6. handhello ()


are you my teacher?–yes, ihello, what’_s___namename is blackboard is dirtythe blackboard, _your pencil andyour name.


your, please, open, are, you, how3.

book, your, close, please根据上。


name is kittyyour name? fineare you?

3.–write your name on the *****


it’s sunday morning. peter and sam are playing in the park.)

peter:good your name?sam:

my name is sam. what’s your name?peter:

i’m peter. do you like playing in the beautiful park?sam:

yes, i like it very do i.()1. today is saturday morning.

()2. peter and sam are classmates.()3.

peter likes to play in the park.()4. sam likes the beautiful park.

3am1u2 ex3班级姓名选择合适的动词填空。openclosecleanlookwrite1the window, please. i’tscold.

2the blackboard, please.3the box, please.4at the book andyour name.ⅱ.选择填空。()name?

a. areb. is

)2.--is this __book?–no, it’s __book.

a. your, yourb. your, my

) pencils __long.

a. isb. are

) _your book, please.

a. tob. at

) fat manjam.

a. likeb. likes


1. close the book, please.) 2. what’s your name?) 3. how are you?

4. good afternoon, linda.

b. fine, thank good ok.



close the open the window.) 2.放学后,老师让你把桌子擦一下:

a. clean the clean the chair.) 3.

上课了,老师让你们把书打开:a. open your close your books.


i’m a ten-year-old boy. my name is sandy. i’m from shanghai. shanghai is a beautiful

city. i love it very much. mary is my good friend.

she is thin. she likes singing very much. sheisnot fromshanghai.

she isfrombeijing,we often playtogether(一起).afterclass, weusually(通常)clean the classroom. mary always cleans the blackboard and i clean the desksand chairs.

then we go home together.()1. i’ nine years oldb.

ten years old() 2. mary and i are both

a. chineseb. american

) 3. mary always cleans the

a. desksb. blackboard

) 4. sandy and mary always go __together.

a. to schoolb. home

) 5.__is mary’s singingb. dancing

3am1u2 ex4



hello i m kitty

whats your namemy name is danny





3.简略写法:i amyou arewhat is4.同类词:writesad


a. you

a. morninga. missa. finea. jama. missa. applea. orangea. he

b. ib. eveningb. mrb. fiveb. milkb. thisb. nameb. hotb. desk

c. arec. hi

c. brotherc. twoc. waterc. hic. bagc. foldc. she


.用am,. is, are填空。

1.–who __you?–i __kitty.

2.–what __your name?–my name __jerry.

3.–how __you?–not so well.

4. that manfat and tall.


name is alice.(对划线部分提问name? fine.

(对划线部分提问 peter.(换一种说法,句意不变is peter. your book.

(改为否定句your book.

your book.(改为否定句,句意不变your book.


1.“snow white”is一本好书).2王太太)is peter’s mother.3. is你的名字)kitty?4. i can擦门)


3am2u3 ex1班级姓名学号 i.正确抄写下列句子。1.hello im susie i like playing with my ball 2.are you sally no im kally ii.判断下列单词划线部分发音是否一致,用 或 表示。iii.将下列词组译成英语。1.我的家庭2....


班级姓名得分。fruit 水果。桔子苹果菠萝草莓 柠檬香蕉。animals 动物。蛇蜥蜴猴子熊猫。长颈鹿老虎斑马大象。兔子鸭子猪鸟。things for fun 有趣的物品。机器人自行车狗熊滑板。小汽车风筝滑梯娃娃。球。things outside 外界事物。公共汽车钻孔机飞机帆船。小货车雨伞树街道...

上海三年级 上 英语牛津语法复习和答案

1 反义词复习和答案。上下来去白天黑夜年老年轻高矮。胖瘦开关黑白长短新旧 大小是不是热冷暖和凉爽站坐。hard rough 走停软硬光滑粗糙。2 单词复习和答案。先生 小姐。起立 坐下。开门 关门。开窗 关窗。3 肯定回答 否定回答复习和答案。am.no,i am not.am.no,i am no...