
发布 2023-12-24 23:00:12 阅读 4553




考试时间: 90分钟满分:100分

考试范围: 总复习。






does kate like?

a. catsb. dogsc. snakes

doesn’t the boy like snake?

a. cuteb. friendlyc. dangerous


3.why is tom’s father very angry?

a. because tom is crazy about basketball.

b. because tom is crazy about computer games.

c. because tom is crazy about his study.

will tom try to do?

a. he will try to write a letter.

b. he will try to send a text message.

c. he will try to talk to his father.


colour is the shirt the lady will buy?

a. yellowb. brownc. green

does the conversation take place probably?

a. in a hotelb. in a restaurantc. in a shop



day is it?


doesn’t john like chinese?

a. because it’s boring. b. because it’s hardc. because it’s amazing.

john’s f**ourite subject?

he feel excited when he plays soccer?

a. yes, he doesb. no, he doesn’tc. we don’t know.


11. whencanyougotothelibraryeveryworkday?


12. how many books can students borrow at most each time?


soon should the books be returned to the library?

a.in a weekb. in two weeks. c. in a month.

can we do with the books?

a. write on the booksb. read the books. c. draw on the books.

shouldn’t we do in the library?

a. be quietb. use mobile phones. c. take notes.


. 选择填空 (15分)

i) 从下面每小题的a、b、c三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分)

16. we should think of some better methods to solve pollution problems.

a. play withb. deal withc. work with

17. miss li tried her best to improve our english.

a. change...intob. raise…upc. make…better

18. more and more countries h**e realized the influence of the environmental problems.

a. paid attention tob. been aware ofc. made…come true

19. —h**e you watched the film furious 7(《速度与激情7》)?

no. my friend mentioned it just now and he said it was great.

a. talked aboutb. thought aboutc. wrote about

20. he learned this lesson from his personal experience.

a. ownb. unhappyc. daily

21. peter was in london recently.

a. not long agob. all the timec. a long time ago

22. they are going to set up a new school here.

a. discoverb. visitc. build

23. please keep still, or i can’t check your teeth.

a. don’t seeb. don’t sleepc. don’t move

ii) 根据句意,从下面每小题的a、b、c三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分)

24. someone is __means that he or she is always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating.

a. honestb. helpfulc. polite

25. to___means to get ready to use something again.

a. mixb. producec. recycle

26. a(nis someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to help people in need.

a. officerb. driverc. volunteer

27. -you are always full ofhow can you be that?

---i do a lot of exercise to keep fit every day.

a. timeb. smilec. energy

28. —how can i improve my speech?

— if your speech is too long, people will get

a. surprisedb. boredc. excited

29. it’s a longfrom my house to the station, so we’d better take a taxi.

a. widthb. lengthc. distance

30. -would you mind closing the window?

it’s a bit cold outside.


2008河北省中考英语试卷评析。试题总体评价。2008年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试英语试题的命制继续坚持贯彻了新课程所倡导的 以人为本 的教育教学理念,秉承了我省近几年来中考英语的命题思想和原则。命题范围 试题类型 难易程度等均以 全日制义务教育英语课程标准 实验稿 和 河北省2008年中考文化...


松树乡中心学校马兰。一 对命题的评价。2019 年青海省中考英语试卷依据 英语课程标准 和 考试说明 所规定的目标要求,遵循中考命题科学性 学科性 规范性和公平性的原则。试题面向全体学生,试卷整体难易度适中,知识点多,阅读量大 试题考查重细节,重基础,体现灵活运用 语言基础知识考查覆盖面广,重点突出...


一 本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分。1 请选出下列词语中加点字读音完全正确的一项 3分 a 栖息q 伎俩j 襁褓qi ng 鲜为人知xi n b 吞噬sh 藩篱p n 怂恿s ng 孜孜不倦z c 啜泣chu 挑衅x n 窈窕ti o 长吁短叹y d 狩猎sh u 涟漪y 佝偻g u 众目睽睽...