
发布 2024-01-27 22:20:02 阅读 8445

module4 unit1 do you like meat?

step1 warming up & lead-in

1. greetings

t: boys and girls, are you ready for your class?

ss: yes, ready!

t: ok. class begins!

good morning, boys and girls.

ss: good morning, ms li.

t: sit down, please!

t: first let’s sing a song. (play the song)

t: boys and girls, do you like the song? (板书)

ss: yes.

t: you can say “ yes, i do.”(板书)

3. chant

1)show students the colorful boxes

t: ok, boys and girls. look! there are some colorful boxes here.

this one? what colour? (yellow)

and this is (blue).

how about this? (green)

the last one? (red)

very good, boys and girls. i like them, they are made by myself.

do you like them too?(ppt出示句子,并领读一遍)

ss: yes, i do.(如生没有完整回答,继续适当引导)

t: now, i give them out.(询问着do you like…? 把盒子发到每个组内)

(2)ppt show the happy face

t: ok, boys and girls. what’s this?

a happy face, right?

ss: yes.

t: i’m very happy to meet you today. are you happy?

ss: yes.

t: ok, wonderful children! i believe!

now today our good friend amy is very happy, too. look! she’s happy.

do you know why? let me tell you! her good friend lingling comes to play with her.


now they are playing games. let’s watch the video and look at what games they play. (play the video) (让生一起拍手跟着唱)

step2 presentation

1. t:after playing games, amy invites lingling to her home and h**e dinner.

ms smart prepared lots of food. for example, 出示meat卡片,点读单词,请生单个读,并传递单词。停止后,师问一生:

do you like meat? 并引导生完整回答。(如果喜欢直接指黑板上那句,如遇不喜欢则引出否定回答,并板书)。

t: ok, boys and girls. today let’s come to m4u1 do you like meat?(师板书并领读一遍)

今天我们就来学习怎样询问别人喜欢什么食物,并表达自己喜欢或不喜欢什么。now today lingling comes to amy’s home. and during dinner time, they asked and talked about the food they like or don’t like.

let’s listen how they talked about. and then we’ll make a survey for your friends’ food they like or don’t like, and when they visit your home, you can prepare their f**ourite food.(师用汉语简单解释) ok?

ss: ok.

t: ok, boys and girls. now i’m ms smart now.

i prepared lots of food for you. and if you answer my questions and beh**e well, you get one for your group, and put it in your box. ok?

at last, let’s see which group get the most.现在,让我们一起看看斯玛特一家与玲玲关于他们喜欢不喜欢的食物是怎样谈论的吧!

step3 text-learning

watch the video and find the sentence “do you like…?”play the video)

t: boys and girls, can you find it?


t:评价并给予卡片奖励。(肉的小卡片,并问生do you like…?)ppt出示句子,点读。让生跟读。

ok, now i’m ms smart. who want to be lingling?(师生练习,后找生来扮演smart来练习)

t: ok, what else? do you like…?


t:how did amy answer, like or don’t like?

引导生回答并板书:no, i don’t.

t: now, what does amy like? let’s listen!( ppt出示问题)

ss: but i like meat.

now do you know what food ms smart like? look, here. for me, i like rice.

(出示单词卡片教读单词)请生练习读,并传递-pass it!

let’s look and listen.(ppt出示并读句子)

now boys and girls, let’s listen and repeat and find what sam and tom like.(看看谁读得好,找得快,ok?)教读单词noodles/milk.

ok, now practise in your groups. read it.—2分钟练习。

you act it out?

step4 practise



step5 production

let’s make a survey in your groups.

step6 summary

what h**e we learnt today?

step7 homework

1. 认读本单元单词;

2. 小组表演课文,下节课继续展示。

3. use the target languages(课下继续运用所学句型调查询问自己的家人或朋友他们喜欢的食物),仿照课本part4。


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