
发布 2024-02-03 18:40:02 阅读 6511


a.say a chant:

in,in,in,in the box. it’s in the ,on ,on ,on the desk. it’s on the it’s under the it’s my bedroom.

b、where’s the monkey ? where’s the monkey ?

in the box . in the box .

where’s the monkey ? where’s the monkey ?in the box . in the box .

c、what do you do in spring? i fly a kite in the do you do in summer? i swim in the lake.

what do you do in autumn? i go fishing under the do you do in winter? i walk in the snow.

what does daming do in spring? he flies a kite in the does he do in summer? he swims in the lake.

what does he do in autumn? he goes fishing under the does he do in winter? he walks in the snow.

温馨提示:我发现了---you , we, they后面用动词的原形。 ,he ,it,后面用动词的三单形式。

what do you do on mondays?i fly a kite .

what does she do on monday?she flies a kite.

动词:swim, skip, go, play, walk, fly, do, like, ride形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, his, her季节(season):

spring, summer, autumn, winter

动物(animal): tiger, lion, elephant, bird, panda, monkey,运动名词:swimming, skipping, skating, fishing学习用品:

book, pen, pencil, bag生活用品:desk, chair, window, door

介词:in, on, under, behind, with, at, for, by人称代词的主格:i , we, you, he, she, it

关于句子:我学会了where’s? it’s on/in/ +动词三单形式。 he swims in the sea.



1、会读、会说单词on,in,under,box和bedroom.2、熟练记住四季、学习用品、动词等各类单词。3、听说读句子it’s on your desk.

it’s on/in/under.4、能熟练运用on,in ,under描述物品。5、拓展练习:

what do you do?what does he do?达标测试:


一、选出不同于其他两个选项的单词。1.( 二、选择填空。

1.__spring, it is warm . book? it’s in your

___she swim? c. does

autumn,he___fishing under the

三、争当优秀的小主人(收拾好自己的物品)放)your books __you the picture __the your toy box __the bed.

the trash bin(垃圾桶)__the door.四、情景交际。

)1.你想问张鹏“这是什么?”,你应该这样问: are they? this?

)2.你想问大明“我的玩具在**?”你应该这样问: the desk. my toy?

)3.你想告诉别人那只猴子在树上,你应该这样说: monkey is in the tree.

is the monkey?( 4.你想对大明说:

这是给你的礼物。”你应该这样说: present fou you.

b. a present to you.

)5.玲玲问你:where ismy bag?你想告诉她:它在你的椅子下面。你应该这样说:

on your chair. under your chair.


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